Monday, February 28, 2005

Taco Del Mar

Taco Del Mar is the best place for buritos. You can get them just the way you like. I'm eating one right now. Taco Bell is nowhere near as good as Taco Del Mar. They are known for their fish tacos and I have tried a bite of one when my dad got them. They're ok, but I love buritos! They're so big and filling too! I encourage you to try them if you haven already. I like mine with: Sour cream, cheese, flour tortia, rice, refried beans, chicken, and medium sauce. There are other way to have it though. They're a little bit more then what we usually get. Which is stuff on the dollar menu. But it's a lot of food so it's worth it. You must eat it like a banana though or it will fall apart on you.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Good Break

Ok, I still have about a week left of beak but it's been surprisingly good so far. So far today I went with my dad to Costco, had lunch there and tried out some samples. We got some danishes that look good. We love to go sample shopping. Then we when and returned something at the Kent K-mart. Yesterday me and my sister went on a walk. We found a really nice and remote park with toys and we spun ourselves dizzy on these pole things. Then just because I took her a longer way home then needed she started to freak out because she thought we were lost. She still doesn't believe me that I knew exactly where we were all the time. She really has a poor sense of direction. We were two blocks away from our house and she still didn't know where we were. I have a very good sense of direction myself. We went to the library and when we got home Kris drew some "possum tats" on my leg. All my toes are now faintly green and I have a blurry liger on my leg. Not to mention a heart with the word dad in it and the word furry on my foot. And there's one I really don't know what it is but that's alright. Most of the weekend I spend reading like crazy. Monday they lured me to the mall with the promise of food. They always do that, it's so annoying! I hate the mall but they always lure me there! With food, books, video games, you name it. I had just been to the mall on Friday, I think it was, too! I'm much displeased that I have to go to school on Tuesday. I have to do this thing for the science fair too. I hate science fairs. But my teachers is forcing us. My parents say I can't go the World Quiz unless I clean up my room. They keep bugging me about it too. It's grating on my nerves. With that happy note I end this post.


Sunday, February 20, 2005

Dumb Dentist Who Under Estimated My Pain

That dentist was wrong. He said that I wouldn't have my wisdom teeth come in for a couple years yet. The one on my bottom left has already cut the surface. I knew he was wrong. He probably thought that I was just a pain sensitive person who was over reacting to my pain. I don't really blame him for thinking that. Most other people, particularly girls, would have been over reacting to pain. If I was a dentist I would have thought that. He had witnessed my pain resistance before but I don't blame him for forgetting that was me. He doesn't have the time to memorize who his patients are and that they have a slightly unnatural resistance to pain. Anyway back to the point. I had a little pain a couple of weeks, maybe a month or two ago, and I know that if I'm in any pain I should report it because if not it could turn in to something serious really fast. He said it was just the teeth moving to the top a little. He was wrong, I was right. Hah hah! I love being right! I had a tooth abscess about a year ago. I hadn't had any pain until I was suddenly flooded with pain. I had not felt real pain until then. I might have when I had to have my appendix removed. But I was five then so I don't remember it much. Which is another example of my high pain tolerance; I wasn't in pain until I couldn't get off the couch I was in so much pain. Man do I get off the subject a lot. As I was saying. I hadn't felt any pain at all until I was attacked by a lot of tooth pain out of the blue. One night I couldn't sleep at all. My mom wasn't home at the time. My dad got me an appointment as soon as he could but I was in a heck of a lot of pain in the mean time. When I got to the dentist he said I had had the abscess for months. And he was very surprised that I hadn't come in earlier howling in pain. I had to have a root canal which was not fun. Also yesterday I stole a scrunchy off of a barbie my sister was playing with. She tried to pry it out of my hands and when she fail to do so she started pinching me as hard as she could. I didn't stop her until I couldn't stand the pain but by then she had pinched me so hard it left a small bruise.

Oh, a quick game. Record how long it takes to figure out who these people are. The person who takes the least amount of time without help from someone else wins. You try and guess who this is in relation to me. These are real people who are really related to me in some form or another.

My fathers' mothers' sisters' daughters' daughters' son.
My mothers' halfsisters' daughters' son.
My mother's halfsisters' sons' daughter.
My fathers' sisters' sons' son.
My mothers' brothers' wifes' daughters' soon to be husband.

Can you figure it out?

Friday, February 18, 2005

I Have Another Break Goody For Me

I've been busy of late so I haven posted. My teacher was telling us yesterday of this guy how tried to scientifically prove that some races of people were better than others. I'm not racist or anything but I sure not objecting to his idea too much because it worked out really well for me. This guy said that Scandinavian people and German people were in the top of the totem pole. It does kind of dampen the idea because this man was of course Scandinavian and German. But look there it puts me at the top. Me being a little over 75% German and some thing like 1/8 Norwegian and 1/8 Swedish. Don't quote me on that my mom side is sketchy. If I listened to my grandma I would also be Cherokee Indian, yeah right. I'm pretty sure that other Germanic peoples like English and Celtic peoples were included. Than the next one down was what he called Alpine people. Then Mediterranean and Slavic. Black people and Asian people were down on the pole, to be sure. His way of determining it all was weird. If your facial features are more distinct, like a sharp nose or chin, than you were therefore more evolved because you looked very little like you did when you were a baby. I had been VERY bored before this subject came up so I was happy to be talking about something that interested and flattered me. I'm the only person in my class that is relatively concentrated in my heritage. Everyone else is a little bit of everything. I can thank my dad for my concentration(I sound like orange juice). He is full German. Now if you are some person just checking out my blog(I can dream) then you may what to know that my family is in no way responsible for killing Jews in WWII. At least not afar as I'm aware. Believe it or not on my dad's side I'm only a three generation American. That is to say[if your to lazy to do the math(or to dumb)] that my great-grandparents were born in Germany. Anyway I thought that was interesting.

I have this one thing I have to finish, then I'll post it.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Funny Weird

I thought of some weird things.

Gold diggers, gold miners, and someone digging for gold are three different things. Think about it.

In car commercials the people talk about DVD's in the cars as "child occupier" like it's another car feature. It's weird.

Anyway that's all for now.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Other Peoples Blogs

I was surfing around looking at others peoples blogs. It's very interesting. Most people don't have any comments. For fun I posted this: Random person visit my blog. I don't care if you don't like it. I'm just trying to up my readership. I didn't post this on just any ones' blog I did have a few requirements. One: they had to know English. Two: they had to be somewhat interesting. I wonder if anyone really will read my blog cuz I told them to. That something I'll keep an eye out for. Oh and generally if they said they had kids I wouldn't do that.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Wick Nasty Teacher!!!!

I am very much peeved at my biology teacher! She gave us a lot of reading and a ton of questions to do. I don't mind the reading so much but I hate all the questions. I wouldn't even mind the questions if she gave us a reasonable time in which to do them. I have about a day and a half to do it all. That is to say I had some time after school. Then I have today. Then I have an hour at most before school if I get up early. My other teacher knows that we just can't do as much in between Tuesday and Thursday as we can between Thursday and the next Tuesday. So he gives us homework accordingly. Not Shawna HogFart though! Not her! She piles us with homework on Tuesdays and gives us only a little on Thursdays!

I was cruel to my fellow students in language yesterday. The teacher forgot to give us homework and I remind him. Then he forgot to give us reading and I reminded him. They were maaaddd at me. It was soooo fun! It wasn't even hard stuff he gave us. Just a chapter, and we have to make a list of little things that get on our nerves. Easy stuff. I don't know why they complained.

I am annoyed at myself. I keep on waking up at 11:30 on days I have a lot of homework that needs to get done. I only do it on these day too, not any other days. It's nice to sleep in but I had things to do today.

I thought up this really funny thing and I'll put it on my blog when I get the time. I crack myself up, I really do. It's funny because it's true when you think about it. Oh so true.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Macs are Crap

Macs are crap. I hate them. My school has Macs and they're awful. Most things on the internet are blocked and it's slow as heck. I think that crap is really better than Macs. Dried cow crap can be used for fuel. And it doesn't disappoint you. Crap can't disappoint you because you know what it's good for right from the start. Unlike Macs, which are always disappointing me. Those vicious thing have an evil mind of their own. They just love to get your hopes up by loading a little bit more, then crashing. Or they'll let you on a site one day, but not the next. They're Satin sent, I swear it.

I'm beginning to think that my room is very different from most other peoples of my age and gender. The color pink does not reside in my room at all. At least not as far as I remember. I don't have any stuffed animals hanging around. Well they're stuffed in the closet. My bad is never made. And really I don't get the point to making beds. I'm just going to sleep in it twelve or so hours after I get out of it. There's clothes on the floor. I mostly remember which are clean, and which are dirty. But if they've been there a while I assume that they're dirty. I have no posters or anything else in my walls. I have a desk devoted to library books. And it's almost always full. Really I'm pathetic when it comes to books. I know my two library card numbers by heart, and their pins. And I always get twice as many books as I can read. I have a chair and a TV in my room. The TV has no remote so I sit so that I can change the channel with my foot. If you're anyone other then the people who usually read my blog don't wig-out. I usually wear socks. It's not like I'm going to lick the buttons anyway. I have a corner of my room that I dump my school stuff in. This is about as organized as I get. I'm the type of person who can't stand any light when I'm sleeping so I have a dark blanket over my window. My sister has been getting on my nerves by screaming as loud as she can for my mom to get her up. My mom sleeps up stair and wears earplugs so she can't hear her. I can. And I don't like to sleep with earplugs because they feel weird to me. She yells forever. It's some what funny. She threatens my mom that if she doesn't come down their right that second she's going spank her little booty. Stubborn butt.

I was playing catch with Chloe today because she wanted to. And I think I now have some insight in to how it feels for dads when their sons are hopeless at catching. She's five so it's not like she's hopeless. And even if she is it doesn't really matter. But I was frustrated non the less. I would have her stand five feet away and she still couldn't catch the ball. Oh well, she'll learn.

I really don't know why I thought that you people would be the least interested it these things. No skin off my back.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Unrelated Good Stuff

My English teacher finally picked a good book. The last book we read was Ok but hard to get in to. Now we get to read The Catch and the Rye, which so far, is good.

And Today I get to the first page of a short story about something that annoys me. And the story doesn't even have include me. I should have fun with this.

I love the FM radio on my MP3 player. It's wonderful. I listen to it all the time.

I've gotten back into Tae Kwon Do which I had to quit about a year and a half ago. I had to quit for money reasons. I am much looking forward to the muscle I will put on. I miss it terribly. That's not even mentioning the strength, flexibility, and balance. I'm not really one for sports, especially team sports, but I love Tae Kwon Do. It's so fun to scare, or annoy, or entertain those little kids. Some of them aren't so little really. Some of them are adults. No matter, I'm not picky. Oh yeah you probably want to know how close to black belt I'm. Am I right? Well I'm a purple belt. That is to say that next advancement I'll be a brown stripe, and then a brown belt, then a black stripe, then a black belt. I would be a black belt be now If I hadn't had to drop out. Tis a pity. I was Student of the Month once.

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