Sunday, January 28, 2007

I'm Back! I guess.....

I guess maybe I'll post again. I'm just doing it now to avoid homework. And I'm way too lazy to think of any semi-decent topic to write about so Here's this.

Super cute anime Petopeto (It's about a little girl that sometimes sticks on to stuff. It is both funny and insanely cute.)

Okay maybe I'll think of a topic to talk about.

So people amaze me with how stupid they can be. For instance, I know this person "Y" who likes "X". A LOT!!!! They hang out with "X", they hang on every word "X" says. They've even started liking this game "S" that was "boring and way too easy" when I was playing it. I'm not complaining about this, it's just funny to me. That is not the only of how "Y" 's taste has changed due to "X" it's just the easiest to think of. "Y" always sits by "X" if they can help it. The amount of money wasted on seeing movies with "X" and their friends blows my mind. "Y" has even their schedule to better fit "X" 's. If "X" didn't know "Y" liked them, "X" deserves to die and I'm not just saying that. I mean literally die, if your that oblivious you should die. I very much doubt that that is really the case I'm just saying.

And what's the verdict? Has "Y" "masterful wooing skills" paid off? Are "Y" and "X" a couple yet after OVER 9MONTHS!!! of this?! NO!!!!! First off your humble author doubts "Y" has formally asked "X" out on a date! Sure they'll seen a lot of movies "together" but has "Y" asked "X" if they would like to go to the movies? I have no idea!

This post has been stopped to smack "Y" and "X". And now back to your regularly scheduled program.

So how does "X" feal about "Y"? As far as this can tell "X" likes the attention "Y" gives "X", and likes "Y" as a friend. But as far as I know "X" has no romantic interest in "Y".

Here is where I give common sense advice.
1. If you like someone ask them out!!!
2. If they say no respect that!!!
3. You can't change someones mind or heart, so pushing yourself on someone who doesn't like you even if they like you as friend it WILL NOT WORK!!! <=(I happen to have experience here)
4. And lastly.....If you don't share someones fealings tell them or you are just making matters worst!!!
I shouldn't have to even tell people's just sad.

Yet another example: A friend of mind has a friend who likes them as more then a friend. I don't know they know or not, but they should. And if you're reading this start thinking about if it applies to you. Anyway this person as "Y" although not as severe one. I have even heard them say they were only sticking around to see
"~~~~~~". What this friend should do is up to them. In any case please take a look at 1 and 4 again.

Now my agenda is to point out that you shouldn't ignore it when you think someone you know likes you. Of course it's not always easy to tell if someone likes you. Here is the common sense advice part again. Here's a hint if they are interested in everything you say, they like you. No one really likes you that much.

So ends my topic. Ja!

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