Tuesday, December 06, 2005

So...happy...soo..happy! School is over for me till Jan 3(or 4?). I got:

A- in american goverment and politics (have you noticed how politics and loonitics rhyme?)
B+ in astronomy (which isn't a good as I would have hoped but the teacher, while good, was a tough grader)
and I was one stupid class away from an A in open gym!!!! I will fight this. *grumbles*

But I will miss these computers!!! *sobs* They are so much better then the one at home. Not having to share with the rest of the family problably has something to do with my opinion of them. *starts singing ballad about the superiority of the computers ar school* Oh! *blushs* You're still here. *Kisses computer* And don't look at me like that. I'm just as sane as you are.

Note: Yes, I know this post was weird. Deal with it.

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