Monday, May 01, 2006

I'm wearing skirt (and all go in to shock)

This weekend (ok last if you want to get tecnicial) was unusually nice and productive. I got a role of film taken, which was the productive part. That put me at ease for awhile. But I got to do lots of things, and get lots of things that I wanted. Saturday we all went to North Bend because they have a lot of outlet stores and I got some cool stuff. I got a pair of shorts from the Nike store, a t-shirt from the Addias store, a sweatshirt from Eddie Bauer, and a book. I haven't gotten new stuff for awhile so it was fun. Then we came home and watched The Adams Family. I didn't see the end of it because I went with me dad to Big 5 to look for boots. I found a pair I didn't like for 13$ and a pair I loved for 60$. Such is life. Sunday I went to JC Penny's and got a polo and a skirt, yes that was skirt not shirt. It's white and very cute. And as Kris so nicely states it's a billboard for my underwear. It's not like I'm going to go wear red and pink striped underwear with it again! Gee, give me a break, I think I have more sense than that. And it's not like I when outside. I think I'll be wearing it more often then I thought I would though because it's nice and cool and looks good.

Last night I watched Howl's Moving Castle which I got at the library that day. I'd read the book before I saw it and I'm very fond of the book, VERY fond. I saw a graphic novel of the movie before I saw the movie so I already knew it wasn't exactly like the book. I liked the movie a lot and the anime was great. But it would have been so much better if they would have stuck more to the book. In the book Howl is way worse. Even when Sophie was living with him he dates lots of girls, unlike in the movie. And in the movie you don't get to see the full extent of his vanity. In the book as soon as he got home he would spend hours in the bathroom. And I believe that in the book he never met Sophie before she came to live with him. It's been a while though I could be partially wrong about that.

"Ladies an Gentlemen! It is official! She's snapped."

A Skirt?!?! WTC.

You are falling to the light side again...
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