Friday, November 11, 2005

Post dental work

I got my wisdom teeth (the bottom ones anyway)removed. And I have come to the decision that it's not so bad as people make it out to be. I've had more painful oral surgery. Only being able to eat things I can swallow isn't nice. I'm not allowed to drink pop or out of straws but that's not so bad. The pain isn't nice as well but it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Those drugs that were supposed to make me forget did nothing. And I mean nothing. It's a good thing they only cost 2 something. It was pretty good timing too. It's was right after a gov quiz so I don't have much homework. And mom promised me a new video game. Hurray, hurray! No the most annoying thing is having to sleep on my back which I'm not used to and find uncomfortable, even though it causes the least amount of pain. I'm very opposed to taking drugs unnecessarily but I did break down and take some after the first couple days when I couldn't rely on video games to keep my mind off the pain because I had things to do. You'll be sad to hear that vicidin(that's not correct spelling but I'm not going to go look for the correct spelling and it's close enough)does not make me loopy. Mom think that something the dentist gave me make me loopy but that's not true I was just talkative and it was funny to have mom not be able to understand me. Oh, and side note. It is not a good idea to bit on your tongue all day. It makes your teeth sore all the next day.

I was going to do a rant on hellhouse but it's not worth my time. I'll just sum it up by saying that I'm not a thespian(I'm not sure of the spelling there). My mom informed me that A thespian is someone who's in to drama. My more like an antithespian. But anti-crappy-acting-ist is most like it. My only acting has been by force because our church desperately needed people to be in their Christmas play. I've been Mary and the inn keeper.

Good news. I found out that in both my class classes I do not have finals. In gov I just meet one-on-one with the teacher. And for astronomy if I do well on the two midterms I don't need to do the final. I got an A on the first one so I just need to keep it up. I really could have done better with a bit more time on the first one. That is kind of annoying. I've been doing good in gov too. I got a C on the first quiz and A's on the latest two. Only two more! And the last one is on only two chapters instead of three.

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