Friday, September 02, 2005

What have you been doing lately?

A decent sort of song, but I'll get to the point now.

I have not been doing much of late. So I don't have to many interesting things to say concerning my life. I like to hope that that is not really a problem since while I may not have the most interesting of lives I do have a interesting sort of brain. But that may not be strictly true, I'm not the one who gets to decide.

Anyway. Kris's birthday was (last)Friday so her friends came and stayed the night. We went to the Old spaghetti factory for dinner and the Old curiosity shop after. I got these fake parking tickets that I'll have to show you guys some time. They're quit funny. We all played Mafia when we went home. Which I have decided we(the quiz team)should play sometime. We had movies to watch but they wanted to play Mafia so we ended up playing till 12:30. I probably shouldn't have stayed up that long because I had stayed up reading till 6:00 AM the night before. I hadn't done that for a long time and was glad that I still had it in me.

Mom got me a jumpdrive for school. 256MB, $19.99, and it's red. Pretty good no? By the way are flashdrives, pendrives, and jumpdrives all the same thing? It seems like it.

Dads birthday was Tuesday. Mom made a mint chocolate chip cheesecake and macaroni and cheese for dinner. Chloe doesn't like moms mac and cheese which is insanity because my mom makes good mac and cheese. She like easy mac and Kraft mac and cheese. Yuck.

I have to finish up this stupid health packet soon(note: this used to say today, I've been putting it off). Ooooo, great fun!

I'm somewhat looking forward to getting back to school. It's really boring just sticking around the house. Well it wouldn't be so boring if my siblings weren't around. Then they couldn't hog the computer, or the TV, or bother me. That is why I'm very happy that I don't go to school till about two weeks after them. Whoot, whoot! I fact this would be a shame not to take advantage of.... How about we have a quiz party at my house one Friday before us collage people go back to school. Since (most of)the rest of the quiz team is homeschooled it shouldn't be a problem. We could watch Band of Brothers like rabenstrange has said he wants to do( and tbqelite too). If another day works better I'm sure that can be done. I just need to talk to my mom and see when would be a good time. Kristen being off to school would be wonderful, that's the main reason I didn't want you people coming over before.

Now, have you ever met one of those types of people who are into weird new age stuff? I'm sure you have. One of the peoples I used to hang out with at my "old school" was one of those types of people. I was often left with a 'what the heck' look on my face at some of the stuff she did. She would meditate in the halls. I told her once I though it was stupid. That was great fun! But anyway, I don't get the point of meditating. I mean...come on!? I asked her only what the point of it was and she said something like to calm/focus/center you, or some weird thing like that. One: I'm most always calm. I don't get the point of not being calm. I rarely find anything worth the sort of emotional out put she displayed on a minute to minute basis. She would get worked up about the smallest things. Once, us three girls who would hang out were going outside and there were a bunch of crows on the tables. You would have thought that the grim reaper just showed up and said 'your next'! Then she claimed that the wind was blowing in all four directions. What a load of BS! I find these sort of people intolerable. Oh yeah, did I tell you she was wearing a lord of the rings type of cape thing? *nods knowingly* Yes. No I'm not joking in the least. And they were not crows(according to her) they were ravens, and ravens are a sign of bad omen. Personally, I think getting worked up like that all the time is a waste of time and energy. If I'm going to waste time and energy it's going to be on video games or such like. Hey, at least you won't get stomach ulcers! Two: Focus what? It was the middle of the hall during lunch! What is there to cause you to not "focused" what do you need to "focus" on anyway and why would sitting cross-legged, closing your eyes and doing that weird thing with your hands help? Three: What is centering yourself?!?!?! I mean clue me in here, I don't get it! It really didn't help me like her that she was bossy. I wouldn't be surprised if she end up going to India to 'find herself'.

Great news! I'm now The official weird older sibling! I think I have been from the beginning but I hadn't yet heard of any of Kris's friends say " your older sister is weird". Well maybe I had but just didn't remember. Apparently, Hannah Kristens friend said I'm weird and kris and her simply couldn't explain how to one of hannah's friends. They did agree that I'm not like this one person they know that says he's gay and he's a Goth and he kills feeder mice for fun.......... Yeah, that's only slightly disturbing.

*whimpers* Mommy wouldn't let me get this keychain thing that said "Yes I'm paying attention. Can't you see me yawning?"

If I manage to hold on to some good idea long enough I'll post something else soon but for now that's it. Feel free to suggest and topics or ask any questions. I just may answer if I get bored enough! :}

Note: I finished this september 2 but it's not letting me change the date and time for some stu[id reason.
"Yes I'm paying attention. Can't you see me yawning?"

I like that.
Wow! You haven't gone back to school yet? I'm jealous! :<)
BCC starts the last Monday of September (At least it did while I was there).

I have been the Official Weird Older Brother for a long time now.

As for binge watching Band of Brothers, TBQelite and I are planning to do it at his house during my sisters birthday party. (I don't want to be there when all their friends show up. I can only withstand so much head petting before someone gets maimed. Not to mention the fact that they many of their friends are LOUD.) I'll show up for the family party but avoid the "ladies".
By the way since you wrote a really long post covering several topics I am breaking my comments down to address different points.

Yes. A a Jumpdrive, pendrive, thumbdrive et cetera ad infinitum are all the same thing.

Homemade mac n' cheese is awesome. However, little kids always seem to like the toxic chemical version, like what I just ate for dinner better.
New age people are strange. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that many of them are demon possesed.

That gay-goth-sadist sounds like a total creep. He's probably just saying all that to get attention but your sister ought to keep her pepper spray handy.
Ideas on what to post:

If you can think of nothing else post loads of personality test results.

Or maybe those jillion question survey thingies.

You could apply to be become an assistant to the Assistant Dictator (that's me) and come up with all kinds of shameless self promotion and pseudo political satire.

Anyhow, I think I'm done. Four comments in a row should make you happy.
heh.... Band Of Brothers fest. Well worth it.... we do Firefly fests with my friends.
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