Thursday, June 16, 2005

Burying shiny Beetles in the Backyard!!!

Isn't that a great sentence? I love it. Shiny beetles are cool.

So school is FINALLY over for me!!! I'm so very happy. And I did well on all my tests! *snort* Like I wouldn't, but hey. And mom let me and Kris get Disc 1 & 3 of Tru Calling! So we will be vegging great much this however-long-it-takes-us. Happy, happy, Joy, Joy!

I will be taking Drives ED this summer. Which means that I will have to prepare myself for the battle against the powers of EXTREME BOREDOM!!! Also known as: reading-the-driving-pamphlet-thing-so-I-can-finally-get-my-learners-permit-which-I-have-been-putting-off-due-to-the-fact-that-I-can't-get-threw-two-pages-before-I-want-to-hunt-down-the-person-who-wrote-it-and-strangle-them. How lovely.

This computer is really getting on my nerves. It's soooo sloooowww!!!. And it keeps going all weird. I hate to say this but the Macs at my old school(how nice it is to say that!)are better.

Hooray for massive library fines! Not. I have 12.36 on my King County card. Hooray that it has to be under 10 and I have enough to pay it down a bit!

I found out why one of my friends(I use this term loosely) isn't going to Running Start next year. She didn't pass! To tell you the truth it was the other friend of mine I thought more likely not to pass. Kinda surprised me. But hey, if you can't pass the test then you shouldn't go. I think that the other friend of mine that did pass shouldn't go really but I wouldn't tell her that. They both don't have the right attitude to go. They think just sliding by is fine. They don't mind D's. Now I don't mind D's if I deserve it. Like if I hated the homework and so refused to do it. And that happens sometimes. Really only with teachers I don't like.....but yeah.

If I think of something more to post I will but can't at the moment.

When are you going to be taking Driver's Ed? Just curious.

You are right in your assessment. If people at High School are fine with getting D's then Running Start is not for them. Especially since if you get that low of a grade I think they put you on probation or something like that.
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