Thursday, March 24, 2005
New Stuff
New stuff is great and free new stuff is even better. I got a new desk yesterday. It was free. And I made sure to get a nice solid hardwood desk. It's kinda beat up but it serve it's purpose. And that purpose is to hold me TV, and my books, and my shoes, and to do homework on, and read at, and do all that without even looking messy! It's a miracle! Now I need a free VCR. Hint, hint. So if you know anyone who has a working VCR that they want to get rid of let me know. I need it to plug my playstation and N64 in to. Yes that's right I got an N64 and a game(Mario Cart 64) and all for under 20 dollars! And I have 10 more dollars left over. And I put a check from the church for watching Chloe in the bank. So now I have 525.67$ or something very close to that. Plus my parents own me 35$ and I'm going to put that in there when they have the money to give in to me. That's another reason to get a job. But I have criteria that I'm forcing my self to live up to(well not really, I'm just picky). I have decided to never work for less than 10$ an hour and there are a ton of jobs I won't do(ex: work at Mickey D's). I can guess what your thinking 'your expectations are to high'. Well I like to think that my time's not worth less than that. I waste it for much, much less then that but non-the-less I'm a stubborn Crout and very set in my ways. And unfortunately those ways are being lazy. But I can be prodded out of laziness if I'm interested enough. Whether that be by money or some other thing. So there is hope for me yet. I took a Consumer Math course last semester and I know just how little of that 10$ an hour that you really get. I'm not looking forward to understanding people when they complain about taxes. But by know that I don't want to know do I accurately know what I don't want to know? I don't know, maybe if I asked some one who does know that can help me understand if knowing that I don't want to know makes it so I really do know even though I never had to deal with it. I need stupider (yeah that's not good grammar)people to read my blog! It's so unfufiling to talk(or write) confusingly when you know that they are smart enough to understand and follow along with what your saying! It's times like these when having the people from school around would be nice.
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