Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Language Class

I had the most awful time in language today. Really I can not express to you how awful it was. It wasn't because it was boring like the usual problem is. It's because the homework was just awful. We had to do this thing were we add the explosive scene that the author didn't show. He had us do it like the way books are written. You know what I mean. I didn't do it and won't. Because I just can't. I'm capable. That's not what I mean. But I can't write what Holden would do. Of all the people in my class I could get the closest because my own way of writing as just as disorganized and off the subject. But I have to much respect for the character to do that! Boy am I weird. Respect was a character? Who thinks like that? It's true though and that's sad. I also have more sympathy for this one character then I do for most people. He is one of my favorites. And he always gets the short end of the stick! I'm talking like he's real. I'm beginning to scare myself. I need a life. Or a job. Something. Unfortunately that won't work, but it will dampen it for a while. And he said the best playwrites would would like her work!!!!! That galled me to the max. I mean I just wanted to strangle him!!!! I was nothing like what Holden would do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was just disgusted. It was so pitiful. It's depressing me to much I have to stop.

Anyway, I don't even know how this is related or why it came to me. But I used to play piano. I'm still wondering how this is relevant. And I was Ok for how long I played and practice. I kind found it too easy. This is want I mean. If I practiced I could learn all the song I was given too fast. I was probably because my teacher wasn't giving me hard enough stuff. She wasn't giving me hard enough stuff because I never practiced. Vicious cycle, no? I don't think piano was the right instrument for me. I only liked it when I could go as fast and as loud as I could. I don't have a life but non the less I don't have the time to play an instrument. So I really don't know why I'm telling you this.

I have to go read sluggy to chear myself up now.

I had to do that assignment too (mutters to himself about hating O'Raorty right now) so I made it interesting. I worked with another guy and we did 2 scenes. One of them was Holden visiting his sister, and the other was Holden violently murdering Sonny. I didn't get a good grade because the stupid teacher didn't like it for some reason.
That pobably had something it do with Holden not beening the murderous type. He's to yellow to murder.
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