Saturday, February 05, 2005

Macs are Crap

Macs are crap. I hate them. My school has Macs and they're awful. Most things on the internet are blocked and it's slow as heck. I think that crap is really better than Macs. Dried cow crap can be used for fuel. And it doesn't disappoint you. Crap can't disappoint you because you know what it's good for right from the start. Unlike Macs, which are always disappointing me. Those vicious thing have an evil mind of their own. They just love to get your hopes up by loading a little bit more, then crashing. Or they'll let you on a site one day, but not the next. They're Satin sent, I swear it.

I'm beginning to think that my room is very different from most other peoples of my age and gender. The color pink does not reside in my room at all. At least not as far as I remember. I don't have any stuffed animals hanging around. Well they're stuffed in the closet. My bad is never made. And really I don't get the point to making beds. I'm just going to sleep in it twelve or so hours after I get out of it. There's clothes on the floor. I mostly remember which are clean, and which are dirty. But if they've been there a while I assume that they're dirty. I have no posters or anything else in my walls. I have a desk devoted to library books. And it's almost always full. Really I'm pathetic when it comes to books. I know my two library card numbers by heart, and their pins. And I always get twice as many books as I can read. I have a chair and a TV in my room. The TV has no remote so I sit so that I can change the channel with my foot. If you're anyone other then the people who usually read my blog don't wig-out. I usually wear socks. It's not like I'm going to lick the buttons anyway. I have a corner of my room that I dump my school stuff in. This is about as organized as I get. I'm the type of person who can't stand any light when I'm sleeping so I have a dark blanket over my window. My sister has been getting on my nerves by screaming as loud as she can for my mom to get her up. My mom sleeps up stair and wears earplugs so she can't hear her. I can. And I don't like to sleep with earplugs because they feel weird to me. She yells forever. It's some what funny. She threatens my mom that if she doesn't come down their right that second she's going spank her little booty. Stubborn butt.

I was playing catch with Chloe today because she wanted to. And I think I now have some insight in to how it feels for dads when their sons are hopeless at catching. She's five so it's not like she's hopeless. And even if she is it doesn't really matter. But I was frustrated non the less. I would have her stand five feet away and she still couldn't catch the ball. Oh well, she'll learn.

I really don't know why I thought that you people would be the least interested it these things. No skin off my back.

That could have been a problem with the computer itself. I have decided after trying one of the macs out at school that I am not going to ever willing use one again unless I have to for some unknown reason.
Macs are much more efficient than PCs but that doesn't imply that they are better. The x86 architecture only allows for 640K of memory to be addressed at any given instance (but with a seek time of only a few nanoseconds it can swap out this 640K a few thousand times per second). The PowerPC architecture of the Mac allows for the addressing of 1000 megabytes in a given instance. Add the fact that all Mac software is fully 64-bit compatible and you have a pretty good machine.
But there are limits to this architecture. Most software is not ported for the Mac environment, so most things won’t work on it. Add the weird interface, and you have a vary powerful, yet annoyingly obnoxious interface that pisses most of us off.
If you are doing huge calculations that require multi-gigs of RAM, such as distributed computing projects or massive media editing, then a Mac is your better bet. Anything else and you can just screw them because they’ll suck.
My room is better, I have a bed, a ton of Coke stuff, and crates and boxes stacked several high over the rest of my room. My "TV" is actually my computer projecter pointed at my ceiling hooked up to a crappy computer that I built out of scrap (I'll trade it for one of those mini Macs if anyone is willing). I do pick the dirty clothes out of my clothes piles every once in a while as well. My dad gets mad that my room is "messy" but my mom considers it my personal space so I can keep it however I wish.
Yeah my mom's always telling me to clean my room up. But then she says she's lucky it's confined to just my room and not the rest of the house. I also have a bed(duh), but I think our sofa is more comfortable. None can argue with the power of the sofa.
My clothes pile is compiled of clean and dirty clothes alike. Most of the clothes I wear are on my floor and not in my bins. When I take out the towels and jackets the pile becomes much smaller. Also I would like to say that I don't allow food stuff to stay in my room after I eat it, so there's not junky like that. Didn't want you people to think I'm a total slob. My door is bad. It doesn't lock and it's not a proper door.
Since my room is closet sized I really don't have much cool stuff in it. Just a bed, dresser some shelves and a big garbage can that I use for a hamper. I use the garbage can because I put so many clothes in my hamper between washings that it collapsed in such a way as to be completely irreparable.

In my dream room I would have a twin bunk but instead of having a bed for the lower portion it would have a 3'x 6' desk. I would have a comfortable couch, a recliner and floor to ceiling shelves on all available wall space. I would also want a large flatsceen tied into my computer and a wireless keyboard and mouse that had enough range on them to be useable anywhere in the room so that I could play Cstrike in bed etc.
Reaching for the stars I see. *laughs*

I think I could come up with something better than that for a dream room.
For a "Dream Room" anyone could do better, what I descibed however is in my price range. If I had my own room I'd get that stuff except for probably not the flatscreen.
I used to really like my room, now its just too full. I had 8 speakers setup for full surround sound. I had a scrap computer that I built for a stereo and a DVD player. So I could watch movies on my projector with an 85 inch screen and 6.1 channel sound. It was great for Xbox playing. Then my mom said that I had to put my bed and other stuff back in my room and it got too full to comfortably do anything in there anymore. I think there were about 10 people in there comfortably when I had my Superbowl party a few years ago. Now my room is a good place to sleep and store my stuff that won’t fit in the shed. So I either need to knock out a wall or two and build myself some more space, or get rid of some stuff that I might want to use in the future. I'd better start pricing building materials.
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