Friday, January 28, 2005

Sayings that don't work

I have recently come across some sayings that don't work out the way one might think. The first one is "We will go alone." This just doesn't work out. One can't really be alone with someone else around. You could feel alone, but not be alone. A better way to say the intended statement would have been "We will go just the two of us." It doesn't flow well though. The other one was "Love is color blind." This, of course, is what one might say is you love someone of a darker or lighter race and other people don't approve. I pointed out to my mom that even color blind people would be able to tell the difference between a black and white person. My mom didn't really appreciate my Rationalism.

I don't get why you guys think I'm evil. Yes I used my knowledge of your competitive nature to get you addicted to a computer game, but that's beside the point! Really I didn't mean to get you guys addicted to it! I knew it would happen, but that wasn't my goal! I only was feeding my own competitive nature and pride at my "mad skills" by challenging you. It was all in good fun. So if you could refrain from saying I have torture devices under my bed that would be appreciated. It just makes me laugh to much.

So if you could refrain from saying I have torture devices under my bed that would be appreciated.Even when it's true?
The only thing under my bed is two green rubber balls and dust. The balls are under there because I was trying and failing to juggle them and I'm just too lazy to move my bed to get them.

And by the by: Level 28, Mystifying Sage, 1215840 points, 45.42 minutes. But please don't hate me because I'm sooooooo much better then you. Nor should you bow to me, or kiss my hand, or faint when you're around me. I'm just an average Joe(or Jill in this case), and I want to be treated the same way as everyone else. And no, I don't do autographs.
I recall having a very similar conversation about color blindness to the one you describe. It strange how some people find it distressing that a person who can only see black and white is able to tell the difference between a black person and a white person. (that's not even counting the differences in negroid and caucasoid facial features.

As far as evilness goes, we don't really necessarily mean you are sinful or unethical. It is a similar, albeit more cliquish, saying to "wicked sweet" etc. "Evilness" is our way of descibing Rational mischievousness and our unique style of somewhat morbid, irreverant humor.
I have finally trimuphed over your score in Rocket Mania. I did this by scoring a few thousand points in one launch. "How did he do that?" you might ask. Well to put it bluntly, I launched every rocket while simulanteoulsy burning almost every piece of fuse on the map. It also gave me like 90 something coins.
It's not that hard to get thousands of point for one lanch. I do it all the time. All you need is to have the rockets up to their highest level level 10 and then lanch a few. Their each worth 1 thousand points each. I myself have gotten all but one rocket up to level ten by the 15th level. As for having a lot of coins I had 1000 up becuase for some weird reason the rockets weren't leveling up at the begining of the level. And at the time it stop leveling up the rockets none of them were lower then level three. I find it hard to believe that you got up to my record of 1,215,840 points and rank of Mystifying Sage. So tell me. How many points did you die with? More then 1,215,840? I find that VERY hard to believe. I think you're just peeved with me for setting the bar so unreactably high. Blowing up almost all the track is also not that hard. Come back with hard facts.
"Evilness" is our way of descibing Rational mischievousness and our unique style of somewhat morbid, irreverant humor.You forgot to mention the satirical aspect of our nature.
Thank you TBQelite. Sometimes you guys underestimate me. It's annoying, because I always have to explain that I knew what you where saying and was being sarcastic in my response.
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