Sunday, January 30, 2005

Just Stuff

I have a devil rubber duck and wish to have it be my mascot and put a pic of it on my blog. Unfortunate I have never don't anything like that and wouldn't know how to go about it. My lack of computer knowledge is getting on my nerves. I always thought when I was younger that I would be better with computers than I'm now. I'm only starting to get anything like decent typing skills. I was wondering if you guys were taught these things about computers or learned them by yourselves? I have a theory and want to know if it's true. Anyway we should go paintballing sometime soon. You know how that one kid said you talk to fast to the guy teaching(for those of you who were there)? Well I thought of a good come back: You think to slow. It would have to said with authority and quickly or else it would just fall flat. And if you guys expect me to know/like some band I've only heard of threw you guys you'll have to let me borrow a CD of them or something.

I've seen those ducks, they are nifty. I'm pretty sure that by just being associated with TBQ you know tons of people who know computers. As for the thinking slow, most people do way too much of it. I got most of my computer skills from observing people who know their stuff, and have been using computers regularly longer than you've been alive. As for paintball, none of us can go until this friday when most of us are out of school; I might go into withdrawl.
I was just saying some time in the near future. Not neccecarily within the month or anything. We should do it when a lot of people can go. Like spring break or a Saterday. It would be a lot more fun with as many as posible. I have been around people how know computers but not for any large amount of time. Most times it was adults who wouldn't let me hang around them.
I decided to go paintballing last week, weather permitting, we may just have a LAN party instead. If we did that, then there is still the chance that I will be able to get a new gun in time to keep up with the fact that I have never used the same paintball gun in more than one event. But that will take money of which I'm kind of in short supply at the moment.
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