Saturday, January 14, 2006

Bloody Idiots

People are bloody idiots when it comes to their love life. It's true. People who can tell when a relationship is going to work or not for other people can be awful at judging that for themselves. People who aren't good at that are also idiots concerning themselves. I'm one of the former. I can see you rolling your eyes but I'm serious. You may be rolling them because you think that I mean I can take one look at a couple and tell if it'll work out. That's not the case at all. I take my good sweet time deciding stuff like that. I'd have to observe them together and in various situations. Nor can I always give a firm answer. I would never say 'yes they are destined to be together'. I would say 'not a chance in hell' though. Most times I'd just say something like: maybe, but I don't think so.

I will even be so kind as to give you an example as to when I thought "no way in hell". When I went to the H.O.M.E program for highschool there was these two people that liked each other, Tori and Jonathan. It was the second year I went there that they got together so I knew them both pretty well. Tori was even a friend of sorts. Tori was an ESFP, well she might have been an N but not likely. Jonathan was an I, probably an N but could have been an S as well, a T , and he could have been a J or a P. For those who prefer a less abstract comparison Tori was VERY superstitious, VERY moody, Jonathan was calm, and quit. Tori thought that there was a spirit in the boys toilet in a deserted part of the school. She said it was a little girl and talked to it like a lost dog. She also thought that she could feel other lost souls in the school. Jonathan was going to become an engineer. He blew up rockets and built stuff out of Legos. The only things they had in common was that they were both weird and liked to burn things. One time when Tori was meditating in the hall I ask her what she was doing. I knew but that's what you do, you ask. She told me. I told her what I thought about it. And I wasn't nice. I think I asked Jonathan what he thought but he could have just told me. He said he was trying to understand it. Which means he thought it was crazy in his head. But those chemicals that make people do crazy things like fall in love were telling him: it really wasn't so weird, he should try to understand, she wasn't crazy, he just needed it explained to him. He was a bloody idiot. I thought it was quit obvious that it wouldn't workout between them. Ruth, another friend, thought it would. So did they. I thought "no way in hell". I have see Jonathan since I left but didn't talk to him. I haven't seen Tori or Ruth. So I don't know how it went. But I would bet the farm that it didn't work.

If you wish you can even test me on this. I don't really consider the past example proof enough. You shouldn't either. I'm just as bad as every one else at predicting such things about myself. So don't ask me to. I unlike the vast majority do not try and tell myself otherwise. I'll be honest and say that most guys I have a crush on are a result of shear boredom and being a likely target. Needless to say I'm very practical on such matters. I do let my bored mind have a field day. But not without reminding myself of the facts every once in a while so as not to get my hopes up. Not that I always succeed. Still it is a helpful practice. My rule of thumb is that if I think I have any chance with them at all I avoid them like the plague. If not. Woo, hoo! I've got something to keep my mind busy for a couple months. Then, once I'm bored, I can find someone else to daydream about with no one the wiser. Maybe I'm kind of cynical like that, but hey. I get bored easy.

If you don't believe me that people are bloody idiots when it comes to their love life merely look about you. Siblings make good examples. For heaven sake, TBQeiltes' brother Bob thought that Leann liked him because she was always so cold to him! Bob is rather an extreme example of that granted, but still. I just can't get over that. Leann liking Bob. It's just crazy! If you think that you're exempt from this law of nature please tell me so that I can start praying for you right away.

Oh, yeah. If you thought that maybe this line of thought was triggered by something that happened to me I'm sorry to say it wasn't. It was, in fact, triggered by something I read in a book about how people can only help others not themselves. It was one character saying to another that they saw them dead in the rain and that she wanted to save him but couldn't save herself. But hey, falling in love, dying,....same difference. Jk. I'm not quit that cynical. Yet.

Just kidding!! Just kidding. No really. I'm just kidding.

I think I agree with your thesis. However, I'm hopeful that with proper advising and by God's grace I'll be able to beat the odds and marry someone who I can love for a lifetime.

The thing that was especially stupid about the couple you mentioned was the fact that they were dating in highschool.

I wash my hands clean of him. There's nothing else I can do.

Anyways, people naturally tend to be blinded by this thing called "love" which in reality... isn't true love... the type of love that people get blinded by is superficial and that's all I'll say about it at this time.

It's hard for people to be honest about themselves when they are in the best of shape let alone when they are fixated on a romantic relationship with someone else.
To Rabenstrange: Remember what they say about beating the odds...

To TBQelite: It only starts being hard to be honest with yourself if you ever start lying to yourself. Only lie to other people. That way, at least three people will know the truth.

To EJB: That whole biological thing is why I have Neemund really to shoot me if I ever start acting weird if a girl is involved.

In any case, I understand your pain, and boredom as well, as I also am a cynic to the umpteenth degree and a rational to boot. It is fun to watch people be idiots, but I always have to remind myself that I may one day start to transform uncontrollable myself.

May. As a rational of the J persuasion, I have taken certain steps (the last one being listed up top) to ensure that that won't happened.
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